& Conditions
"Joint Venture
Marketing", the sole holder of reminder service through the
www.RemindMeButton.com web page, provides the service to the Customers according to the following Terms of Service.
1. The Service
Joint Venture Marketing is providing an Internet service that brings ability to promote among other things: company, website, product or service with the complete, automated, email reminder system ("reminder"). In particular, the Reminder Service includes but not limits to the following: (a) email delivery mechanisms, (b) list-builder, (c) advanced automation features.
Within the service, Joint Venture Marketing provides two types of accounts: Trial Accounts ("FREE Account") and Packaged Accounts ("PAID Account").
2. The Customer
The reminder service is provided to registered users, hereinafter referred to as "the Customer".
On registration, the Customer may ONLY register to a FREE account.
On registration to the service, the Customer agrees to:
(1) Fill out the registration form in current, complete, and accurate data about the Customer as it is prompted to be done,
(2) Maintain and promptly update this data as a current, complete and accurate ones,
(3) Accept to Terms of Service stated herein, and the Joint Venture Marketing Anti-Spam Policy,
On registration to the service, the Customer agrees to act complying with the provisions of the Terms of Service and the
Joint Venture Marketing Anti-Spam
On registration to the service, the Customer agrees to receive commercial information about products and services of Joint Venture Marketing.
The Customer is solely responsible for the content of the materials which are sent using the service provided by Joint Venture Marketing.
The Customer understands and agrees that Joint Venture Marketing may present advertisements within the
www.RemindMeButton.com website.
The Customer expressly agrees that use of the service is at his or her solid risk.
3. Free account
The use of FREE Account service is free of charge.
On registration to a FREE account, the customer accepts the general provisions of these Terms of Service. The Customer of Free account agrees that functionality of the service is limited. The Customer may upgrade a FREE account to a PAID version.
4. PAID account
On registration to a PAID account service, the Customer:
(a) agrees to receive an access to full reminder functionality of the chosen service plan,
(b) chooses a service plan,
(c) pays recurring fee for the service due to service plan.
A service plan is valid for a certain period of time according to the subscription plan of his or her choice in which Joint Venture Marketing provides the PAID account service to the Customer. The Customer agrees to pay recurring fee for subscription due to service plan. The recurring fee is based on a price list which is presented on the
www.RemindMeButton.com website.
The Customer may change the subscription plan for the next subscription period without any charges.
5. Payments
The payment includes fee for subscription to a Paid account, phone and email Customer Support, access to special features, and all applicable taxes.
The recurring payments will be issued on the upgrade/downgrade day of the subscription ("recurring date").
Joint Venture Marketing sends to the Customer email containing receipt to confirm the payment.
Joint Venture Marketing reserves on a sole discretion a right to change the fees for subscription which will ONLY effect new customers of the system.
6. Technical requirements
Joint Venture Marketing assures that the service will work properly on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP platform with Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or higher and Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.
The Customer realizes that a service is provided on an as is basis.
7. Customer Support Service
For the PAID account Customers, Joint Venture Marketing provides customer email and phone support.
The customer may address all questions, doubts, and report errors via Customer Support Webform or call US and Canada toll-free number at 416-238-5834 (Mon-Fri, 9 AM - 5 PM EST).
Support Web form are located on the website. When contacting Customer Support, Customer should provide at least their name, account name and e-mail address for further correspondence. Joint Venture Marketing does not investigate or take any action based on "anonymous" support requests.
Joint Venture Marketing assures that reaction shall occur within two working days after receiving a request from the Customer.
Joint Venture Marketing distributes User guide, Frequently Asked Questions and other support materials and provides user's forum service in order to support the FREE account Customers.
8. Complaint procedure
The Customer accepts unconditionally that the service is distributed on "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.
The Customer is requested to submit their complaint to the Customer Support Department as per instructions above.
On complaint the Customer should provide at least the account name and their name. Joint Venture Marketing does not investigate or take any action based on "anonymous" complaints.
The Customer Support Department will investigate the problem as soon as possible and inform the Customer how the issue will be processed.
The Customer has a right to be informed about the status of processing their issue.
If the problem with the service occurred, Joint Venture Marketing assures to undertake all measures to solve it as soon as possible.
9. Customer obligations
The Customer ensures with no limits the due application of the
Joint Venture Marketing Anti-Spam Policy and appropriate law provisions regarding to the processing the email address and other personal data of prospects. Without any limitations, the Customer is particularly obliged to not send unsolicited messages ("spam") or undertake any unlawful practices.
The Customer is obliged to provide accurate, and true registrant contact details, and keep such contact details up to date.
If the Customer provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Joint Venture Marketing has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Joint Venture Marketing has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the service.
The Customer may not use any hardware or software intended to damage or interfere with the proper and timely functioning of the service or to surreptitiously intercept any system, data or personal information from the
www.RemindMeButton.com website and/or the service.
The Customer may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the website network or other Joint Venture Marketing services infrastructure.
Joint Venture Marketing reserves the right to refuse access to the website, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders at its sole discretion. Joint Venture Marketing reserves a right to refuse any and all current or future use of the service to the Customer who intentionally or maliciously evades the obligations stated in these Terms of Service, Joint Venture Marketing
Anti-Spam Policy or arising from custom, and other best practices of conduct in the Internet.
If Joint Venture Marketing finds the Customer to be spamming or using the service for any abusive or illegal practices, we will issue a warning. If Joint Venture Marketing has any reason to believe that the Customer, despite warning being given, threatens to or is continuing such practices, then Joint Venture Marketing may take action immediately, including disabling the customer's account, and terminating a service and/or reporting the Customer and the incident to the proper authorities.
10. Privacy policy
Joint Venture Marketing constitutes the Privacy Policy as an inherent part of these Terms of Service.
Joint Venture Marketing will never use the information about the Customer nor the Customer's customers that are collected within the service, to send any unsolicited messages or information nor shares it with or sell it to anyone else for such use according to the
Joint Venture Marketing Privacy
11. Anti-Spam policy
Joint Venture Marketing constitutes the Joint Venture Marketing
Anti-Spam Policy as an inherent part of these Terms of Service.
The Customer or any third party working on behalf of the Customer shall not use the service and or the name of the service provider, or any of the trademarks of the service provider, to spam.
12. Abusive and illegal practices
The Customer is not allowed to associate any content provided through the service with pornography, adult rated material, child pornography, bigotry, racism, hatred, profanity, mail fraud, or any material which may be insulting to another person or company.
Using the services to transmit any material that, intentionally or unintentionally, violates any applicable local, state, national or international laws, or any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder.
Without limiting the general prohibitions against all illegal practices, the following are expressly prohibited:
(a) Use the service to harm, or attempt to harm, minors in any way,
(b) Use the service to transmit any material that threatens or encourages bodily harm or destruction of property,
(c) Use the service to transmit any material that consists pornography, adult rated material, or child pornography,
(d) Use the service to make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items, or services or to advance any type of financial scam such as "pyramid schemes",
(e) Add, remove or modify identifying header information in an effort to deceive or mislead.
(f) Attempt to impersonate any person or service by using forged headers or other identifying information such as name, nickname, domain name, or email address. The use of anonymous re-mailers or nicknames does not constitute impersonation.
13. Copyright
All content included on www.RemindMeButton.com website, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips and software, is the property of Joint Venture Marketing or its content suppliers and protected by Canadian, U.S. and international copyright laws. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the authors.
14. Termination of a service
The Customer may terminate a contract at anytime. If the Customer wants to terminate the Paid account service, is required to send a cancellation request to the Joint Venture Marketing
Billing Department at and provide at least the account name and the email address no later than on two working days before the recurring date. If the Customer wants to terminate a FREE account service, is required to deactivate the account from the
www.RemindMeButton.com web page.
Joint Venture Marketing reserves at a sole discretion a right to terminate a service In the event of not receiving a payment or a recurring payment.
Joint Venture Marketing reserves at a sole discretion a right to immediate terminate the service In the event the Customer found to be using Joint Venture Marketing services for spam activities and other unlawful practices.
Joint Venture Marketing reserves a sole discretion a right to terminate the service In the event of receiving independent verification that the Customer provided grossly inaccurate, unreliable or false registrant contact details, or failed to keep such contact details up to date.
15. Disclaimer of warranties, limitation of liabilities
Joint Venture Marketing is not responsible for any delay or failure in performance due to Force Failures, or other occurrences that are beyond Joint Venture Marketing reasonable control. Joint Venture Marketing is not responsible for short, temporarily and accidental suspension the service as a result of circumstances which Joint Venture Marketing could not foresee nor suspect.
Customer recognizes that Joint Venture Marketing does not own or control other networks, information and systems outside of its own network, nor is Joint Venture Marketing responsible for performance or non-performance within such networks. Joint Venture Marketing exercises no control over and specifically denies any responsibility for the content, information, accuracy or quality of the information and/or data passing through its Network or the service provided.
The use of the service is at the Customer's solid risk. Joint Venture Marketing is in no way responsible for the conduct of its Customers, and/or the content of messages sent through the system. Joint Venture Marketing is not responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result from Customer's or Customer's users' use of the service, including, without limitation, any such damage for loss resulting from service interruptions, delays, and/or non-deliveries
Joint Venture Marketing shall have no liability for any damages suffered by the Customer or any third party as a result of the use or the misuse of the service.
16. Final provisions
Joint Venture Marketing reserves the right to modify, add or delete any documents, information, graphics or other content appearing on or in connection with the
www.RemindMeButton.com website, including these Terms of Service, at any time without notice.
This service shall be interpreted and construed according to, and governed by, the laws of Ontario Canada, excluding any such laws that might direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. The laws of Ontario and Canadian Courts shall be jurisdiction.